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No. You just did what you had to do.

1. I cry everyday in my truck on my drive home.

2.  My best friend told me the writing has been on the wall with my guy but apparently I've been overlooking it.

3.  I don't believe my friend.....I feel like the reason for the sudden lack of emotions is bc he left for war.  Up until then things were really good.

4.  I have a screwed up self image....

5.  I told my guy I couldn't see him to say goodbye before he leaves because I'm way emotional and he is already gone emotionally prepared for battle.  Idk if that was the right thing but I need to remember him kissing me goodbye saying I love u and have a great day to be what I lean on.  I just know it wldve been all tears and gut wrenching to see him go. Was it wrong or selfish?????

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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