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So try to make it up to him

1) I had a mental breakdown about a year ago and during that time I accused my husband of cheating repeatedly.  I know he didn't but I was so insecure with myself at that time that I took it out on him.

2)  I've hurt my husband so bad that he has emotionally and physically distanced himself from me. I regret everything that I done to him during that time and cry almost everyday from the regret, and the way I hurt him.

3)  Im thinking the only way to solve this is to let him go so that he may be happy even if I'm not with him. I only want him to be happy and not stuck with someone who he has been hurt and let down by. Maybe his next girlfriend or wife can give him the love and happiness that I was unable to and the children he's always wanted that I couldn't give him either.

4)  ever since this incident I have felt more alone than when I was single and working and had no friends.

5)  If he did choose to leave I would not continue on in this world. I would just end my life. I would rather be miserable and feel alone and cry and be unloved in my marriage with him then not have him at all in my life. He means everything to me and I can't live without him.

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: bisexual

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