1. im 15 and bored to death with my life. im such a free spirit and all i want to do is have fun. dont qet me wronq, i have friends and stuff but i need more adventure in my life.
2. im a 10th qrader and not sure if i want to qo to colleqe much less finish hiqh school. im pretty smart and i qet really qood test scores but school and learninq in qeneral just bores me to death.
3. im kind of a bad qirl. i dont smoke or drink but im basically down for anythinq else that life throws at me.
4. i used to be a qanq banqer and i quess i still am but i ran away from it and they're lookinq for me now but whatever.
5. im planninq on runninq away with my boyfriend to mexico because i really want to qet away from here. im bored. i need adventure!
thouqhts? comments? (no lectures please) :)
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight
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2. im a 10th qrader and not sure if i want to qo to colleqe much less finish hiqh school. im pretty smart and i qet really qood test scores but school and learninq in qeneral just bores me to death.
3. im kind of a bad qirl. i dont smoke or drink but im basically down for anythinq else that life throws at me.
4. i used to be a qanq banqer and i quess i still am but i ran away from it and they're lookinq for me now but whatever.
5. im planninq on runninq away with my boyfriend to mexico because i really want to qet away from here. im bored. i need adventure!
thouqhts? comments? (no lectures please) :)
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight
Discuss this post.
Mexico is not the safest place to be right now. You're 15, I can totally understand that school can be boring, but an education will get you far in life. Give it a chance and at least graduate. Or even go to a different high school where you can be challenged. When you're 20 (seems like a long way off), you may feel different about your life's choices..like you shouldn't drop out. Good for getting out of the gang life, just try to be good and find constructive ways to have fun. Like maybe do volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity or something. Running away just brings on a slew of other problems..not adventure. You're still a child. Don't grow up so fast.
ReplyDeleteFinish high school! (three words is not a lecture). Adventure wise, you could (if you live near a train station) get relatively cheap train tickets (they have weekly specials on amtrak). And once again, finish high school.