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Wonderwall mom

×one× i lost my best friend of 2 years idk how & idk why but i guess it's what she wants make your bed make sure you're able to deal & lie in it sad enough I could care less,people come and go ; I tried to make it work repeatdly but stubborness over-rides her brain i suppose ; she's fat & I'm normal I was shallow in highschool and would never hang out with a girl like that ; idk someday suppose i will !

×tw0× i want to be successful in life ; I'm 20 & trying to figure out my life how to put the pieces of the puzzle together,its hard but I can do it...I have faith in myself because if you don't have any faith you won't succeed,secretly I'm scared ill fail

×three× I get really sad sometimes but can put a smile on & laugh like there is nothing EVER wrong ; but weed helps the pain & emotional ups and downs :) I love the feeling & I just sleep....sleep...sleeep

×four× I'm not as sexually active with my bf as I used to be ; I don't want it all the time anymore,idk why ;( but damnt I wish I knew !

×five× my mom & dad are my biggest influence they're great I don't always show them that I appreciate all they much as I hate my mom most times she is my wonder.wall in times of need...

2o11 is the year I change ! & shoot for my goals.

K ;; what was your main NY resolution? & Whyyy

Thxx so much !

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

[I didn't really sit down and make specific resolutions this year... mainly because I made something like five last year and only managed to accomplish one of them. My main goal for this year is to finish the edits on my book (the one resolution I managed to stick with last year was to finish it) and get myself signed on with a literary agent. I don't have a whole lot of control over whether an agent decides to pick me up, so I am really just resolving to send it out to a bunch of people and see what happens in spite of my overwhelming fears of failure and rejection.

Another thing that I would like to do is become a runner. I joined a sorta-running club last year that is mostly centered around socializing, but it has gotten the ball rolling on something I've always wanted to do. I have this bizarre recurring dream in which I need to run for some reason, and then miraculously find myself running and running without getting winded or tired. I always feel so overwhelmed with joy at this in my dreams that I have thought for a long time that I should make it a reality. A couple of weeks ago I finally went running with someone who actually knows what they are doing and upon learning how to pace myself, I found out that if I go slowly, I can jog about two miles without stopping. It's a start. Thanks for asking, reading, and posting.


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