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Some tests are better untaken

1. Money is truly the root of all evil. I find myself taking money and product from my  company as soon as I'm short on a bill. Even though I know my next check will cover it.
2. I still don't know if my daughter is mine. I have the test but can't  muscle the courage to take it/perform the test on her. I will always love you C.A.W
3. I couldn't be happier with my new girl, I have to force myself not to propose to her. She is incredible but I know its not the right time for all that. She is the one for me.
4. I just found out that I have $10k in credit card debt. I found out because I was too scared to open my mail to see what a hole I was in. I want,to try to get outta this hole on my own. Bankrupcy (to me) is not taking responsibility for ur actions.
5. I'm at work now, waiting for a cash paying customer. :/

Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight

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