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Seems wrong to skeet after mom

Well shit...this isn't a secret but fuckin'a ppl have some fucked up lives that post here, its sad...and somewhat rewarding to know that I could have it a lot worse...
S-I used to be best friends, soul mates even (no homo) with my cousin but over the years...after college and entering the extremely fucked real world, we kinda lost touch. He moved to colorado and I missed his going away shibang and I feel like an ass. I miss him. (Again no homo, I'm a dude)
K-I've met my dad once in my life...he's a twat. The fucker had sever depression(just found that one out, only took 26 years) his depression really put the last couple years of me feeling like a worthless turd into perspective.
E-I fuckin hate my job. I wish I could change it.
E-I've been with my lady for the past two years and some change...I havnt really ever showed her how much I love her because I'm a dick...but fuckin'a man, I do love her so much
T-My mother is the most important human in my life, she has given me so much and ill never ever be able to repay her. She's a saint...even if she is a superconservative right wing looney bin I would die or kill for her. (Skeet skeet)

Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight

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1 comment:

  1. Your posts were sweet. Dude, call up your cousin. You can still be bffs regardless of the miles that separate you. And then tell your mom and your girl how much they mean to you. Don't keep those secrets to yourself. You sound smart..if you don't like what you do, then do something about it. You're young, you could have your second career in a matter of years. It's never too late. Good luck to you!


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