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Nothing worth having is easy to get

"Hippie talk is nice" made me cry. Thank you.

I have an addiction to pain killers.

I re-injured my arm that was surgically repaired and no one knows. Now I need them more than ever.

My mom doesn't even know that I'm taking hydrocodone. Sometimes I buy it from a kid I know from school. A few times I've done some things that I'm not so proud of. I'm a fucking junkie. Giving pleasure to someone else to relieve my pain. How fucked up is that?! I'm crying again. FUCK!

All I do in my spare time is drink, smoke and masturbate. I feel like I have no value and make no contribution to society. I want to do something with my life, but feel like I can't because of my addictions. Dr. C****** is helping me but its hard.

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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