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Maybe you could take up jogging...

I am a single male mid twentys good looking yet never been able to keep a relationship that's lasted for more than a few months

The reason why is no suprise. Its because I am a porrn addict and have been since my late teens. Im not the kind of guy who you think would be but it just happened.

Ever since I got off of doing drugs and alcohol (early teens) I've been doing this and its starting to ruin my life.

I think its because the peace of mind and escape that I get keeps me coming back.
It causes me to spend long days in front of dvd's and computers. A girl called and said she wanted to hang but I was busy being a addict. Sucks and embarrasing.

The girls that im with (getting is easy, keeping is totally different) have no idea but they love the moves I put on :)

Bonus: any idea how to stop?

PS: LOVE the site!!!

Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: straight

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