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Praying to forget

1. I am trying to forget about a friends husband that i have a thing for because i am trying to work on saving my marriage for the last and final time.
2. My counselor is telling me that i should forget about the other guy because he clearly isn't even thinking about leaving his wife so even if we wanted to date we couldn't.
3. I'm kind of mad at him because of this. If he's so unhappy he should be trying to fix it or he should leave. He flirts with me and we talk about what if we were together but that only works if he's actually willing to man up. I don't want him to leave his wife for me specifically but why complain about it and not do anything.
4. He's really handsome and i've seen pics of him naked and id love to be with him in a physical sense. We've sexted a couple times and it was pretty great. But not satisfying because its not real.
5. I wish i could forget him and the pic of him i've seen. They haunt me. He's in better shape than my husband an his cock is huge. I truly wish i could delete them from my mind. I pray every day that i could forget him. Pray for me.

Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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