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All alone on the inside

1. I hate my life, I feel like I'm a loser, that noone will ever love, for my insides, not what's on the outside,
2. I am the biggest slut inside, & I'm afrid when I lose my virginity I'm going to lose myself.
3. I crave attention, I spend all day alone in my room , normally. Because I don't fit in with my family, & I got on stickam ( a webcam site) with cleveage, so I can get some attention , i don't get any attention at home, my family doesn't even know I exsist a lot of the time.
4. I hate my baby sister who's 9. Because she gets everything, she gets all the attention & all thelove in the family.
5. I'm alone.
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: straight

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