1. My girlfriend hates me.. because I'm a raging alcoholic.. but I love her so much.
2. My girlfriend trys to kick me out EVERYDAY, but I won't leave because I don't have noone but her in this state. Not even family, and I don't want her to be with anyone else.
3. If I leave the house without her, she thinks I'm cheating.. no matter what I do to stop her from thinking this.. she still do.. I think its because she's cheating on me.
4. I have only cheated on my girl once at the start of our relationship and she knows about it.. she cheated on me while I was in iraq.. and I think she still is.
5. I hate my life so much.. I think that's why I drink like crazy. I'm trying to stop but its so hard.. I feel like a peice of shit. Mainly because the way my gril feels about me
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I feel bad for you. I know what it's like not to be trusted, and to not really trust someone. I'm 17 and 90% of the people I have been with have cheated on me. I cheated once. I also drink everyday, otherwise I feel like shit. I've tried to kill myself three times and failed. So for some reason I'm stuck here. Anyway.. My boyfriend cheated on me with his ex girlfriend. We broke up, but I love him still, and want to marry him, but I shudder every time he's alone with other people.. ._.