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 1.  My boyfriend is my soulmate.  It's been 5 years and we have been through so much and are both better people than we were to begin with.  He is so good to me.  However I am not very sexually attracted to him.  We have a good sex life, but  I almost always imagine he is someone else during sex.  It's the only way for me to get wet.  I want so badly to be more sexually attracted to him.  It just feels too familiar.  Will this ever change for me?  Sometimes I think its just because I'm young and it'll pass.     If anyone has suggestions or a similar experience I'd love some advice.

2.  I have a disabled family member that I love dearly.  I never take the time to see them or call them.  I live within walking distance of them. They used to call me every day but I never returned the call.  Now they don't call anymore.  I feel so guilty about this.

3.  I love drugs.  All drugs!  From caffeine to acid.  I would be a total junkie if I wasn't ambitious about my career.  I have a great day planned for tomorrow.  I've got some fun substances.  :D

4.   I work with elderly people with dementia for now.  I really hate it.  It is so hard to deal with the SAME shit every day with no gratitude.  Changing briefs, feeding them, answering the same questions over and over again.  As heartless as this is, deep down I think most of these people would be better off dead.  They get no enjoyment out of life.  They have no idea who or where they are.   I'm going to kill myself if I'm diagnosed with the beginning stages of Alzheimers.  My grandmother and one of my aunts have it.  

5.  My biggest sexual fantasy is to be coerced into sex by a professor, doctor or male boss in their office.  I know its a cliche but I'd LOVE it!  I'm a pretty young girl, I'm hoping it'll happen someday.  (I am in an open relationship, so it wouldn't be cheating)   


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