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Good things come to those who wait :)

1. I get so annoyed on Facebook when certain people constantly use bad grammar and misspell every other word. I've had to delete people because I can't stand to read their status updates.
2. I love my husband so so much.(But sometimes I'm a hateful bitch but he loves me anyway:) He's the best and he's all mine. I hate reading infidelity secrets because I could never imagine our marriage going down that road. 

3. Hubby and I have so much cool stuff. People our age would, are and should be jealous of all of our stuff.Maybe I'm spoiled but we both work hard for our things.
4. I read "five secrets" everyday. I'm constantly checking for updates on my droid. I love the app and am jealous that iphone got a newer one. I roll my eyes when I see "K" wrote something cool about it. Lol :)

5. Everyone in our families are ready for us to have babies but we have plenty of time and just aren't ready to make that commitment. I mean, one day, I know I'll be a great mommy and hubby will be an awesome daddy but just not yet.

*These secrets may seem boring but it's my first posting and I'm not depressed or contimplating suicide or having some steamy hot affair. 

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