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The best kind of failure

-1 I am madly in love with my best friend... the real secret that no one knows is we've been fuck buddies for the past 8 months ... he has a gf and I had a bf, I just really wish he wanted me like I want him
-2 no one would ever suspect I'm a freak in bed, I love biting and hair pulling ... I love to be dominated, but most would never think that bc I'm so tiny and sweet ... ps I'm always horney which I think is bc of the amazing sex I have with #1 
-3 I recently broke up with my long term bf and I'm scared I'm not going to be able to make it without him, not bc of the emotional side but the financial end.
-4 I recently tried to commit suicide, there are only two people who know, (my best friend since I was 8 and my other best friend mentioned in #1) I took a bunch of tylonol pm's, I only weight 110 so I figured it would kill me instead my friend had to keep me awake, everyday I wonder how much of a failure are you to screw up your own suicide
-5 my family has turned on me since I left my bf ... and honestly I don't mind because the few friends I have are my true family, they love me and I love them.. I would choose them over a select few of my genetic family

EXTRA:Love this site, I check the app at least twice a day, for someone with depression and anxiety its nice to have an outlet so thank you  

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