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Virgins are huge in hentai

I am a virgin and pray everyday to God that I finally get sex dont know why lots of people wuld luv to fuck wit me but I cant get any for some reason. If that makes any sense

I dont know why I pray to him about it cuz I know he wouldn't want me doing it

I think im addicted to porn 

I been into hentai porn lately but have no clue why

I hit my little nephew when he was wouldn't stop crying & still feel like shit. Nobody knows and it was over 3 years ago and haven't seen him since

Extra: even with these secrets my life sucks and my career fuckin sucks and they are all so boring I could die. 

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1 comment:

  1. Hey this is the guy who posted "looking for lovin'" you should email me.. I can help you out there ;)


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