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Too young love

1.I have cheated on my boyfriend with 7 ppl in the 9 yrs we have been together and we have a 7 year old. I have fallen in love with one of the guys I'm still cheating on him with for over a year. 
2. I became prego and lied and said the baby was my boyfriends but it was wiyh the guy I was cheating on him with. 
3. I watch a lot of porn and get off with my dildo because I don't get off with my boyfriend. I fake it everytime.
4. My stepdad touched me when I was 9 and I told my mom she called me a liar.
5. I want to have sex with 3 other women at the same time thinking about that just gets me wet. Extra I do love my boyfriend I'm just confused I've been with him since I was 14 now I'm 23 I think I just missed out on fun but I'm making up for it 

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