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So much pain in so few words

My Addiction to Oxycotin.
I smoke pot.
I have another daughter I no longer see.
I've slept with over 100 guys.
I don't like kids.

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  1. Oxycotin is a powerful drug. Maybe you should seek help for that.
    It's a personal decision if you choose to smoke pot. As long as you are not taking away from your bill money to buy weed you are okay.
    It's never good to know you can't see your child.
    I have slept with over 100 guys as well. It's a sickening feeling I get every time I think about it.
    If you don't like kids why were you concerned about seeing your daughter?

  2. Drugs make everything worse. I'm recovering myself.
    You need to make a personal decision for YOU and your CHILD to pursue a relationship
    I have slept with well over 500 guys, because I was so angry with men in general.
    I'm okay with that


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