1- i am addicted to five-secrets but so many of the posts are so depressing.! :( i want to bring a little happiness today.!!
2- i am in love with the most amazing guy.! he's absolutely perfect && i don't understand how he doesn't realize exactly how much he means to me.!! i think about him all the time, i would do any & everything to//for him && i try to tell him this every chance i get.!!!
3- i have made some mistakes with him, but my only plea to defense is, "no one is perfect.!" i am so upset with myself for having ever hurt him the way i have, but i don't want to lose him.!! i am willing to spend every moment of my life just making it up to him.!!! :)
4- we are both self conscious, which is usually said to be a bad combination..but more often than not, he makes me feel so beautiful.! i kind of wish he would say it more, it's just nice to hear, but his actions, especially the way he looks at me, i always feel almost invincible.!! he, however doesn't see what i see.. :/ when i look at him, i sometimes stop breathing or my heart will just beat like crazyyy.! i sometimes have to look away if he catches me staring cause he might feel weird that i'm staring at him like he's pure perfection.!! LoL (sounds corny but idc)
5- this post is honestly a tribute to him.! although i have told him these things many times before, i know he reads five-secrets almost everyday, so i'm hoping to surprise him with this post.!! :D tehee
P.S.~> i love you, babes.! <3
That is so adorable. Sometimes two people being self conscience in a relationship can be dangerous, but I am sure you guys love each other very much. As long as the two of you learn to not be insanely jealous it will all work out for you. Its great that you have found someone so wonderful. I really do wish you the best of luck in your journey with this great man.